Tuesday 1 April 2008


A south American artist, Guillermo Habacuc Vargas, let a poor dog starve to death as part of his installation. What the hell does killing an innocent dog have to do with art? I am no modern art expert and no big fan either. It seems that all there is to it is to shock and create controversy. To be honest I don't care if stupid people fall for worthless objects and pay millions just because they are by a certain famous name. It's their money and, although wasted, they can do whatever they want with it. What I cannot condone is gratuitous cruelty against a defensless animal in the name of art. This is disgusting. The guy should be locked in a dark room with a bunch of starving dogs. Asshole!

1 comment:

  1. Phooey! When was this done! I never liked animal art! Dead or preserved!
