Thursday 4 March 2010

どうして :'(

Ponyo (Gake no ue no Ponyo) is the latest animation by Miyazaki-san. Its theme song is so sweet and catchy :)

I've also found an Italian version of it, which is also super sweet...

What the hell is going on with the American version?! This is really terrible. Why ruin something so perfectly magic and turn it into this? Atrocious... no words... booo!!!


  1. The American version is truly awful. Why do they have to do such hateful things? Why do they have to ruin everything they touch. It's the opposite of the midas touch ... it's the shit touch.

  2. That's incredibly mean, GP... It's not ALL Americans. Just some.

    But to have Noah Cyrus record it? That is atrocious.

  3. True, I bet a lot of Americans would have preferred something closer to the Japanese version. Bad choice of whoever was in charge... whatever sells, whatever makes money... that doens't necesserarly mean the best outcome. Unless the only outcome the recording company was after was a sure profit...
