On 24th of April 2009 I reviewed the Swedish adaptation of "Let the Right One In" by J. A. Linqvist. Although the film didn't cover many aspects of the novel, I thought it was an excellent effort and perfectly re-created the athmospheres and the characters of the book. The last words of my review were indeed prophetic: "Be prepared for an American remake...". The dreaded version naturally transforms the protagonists into Americans and moves the setting from Stockholm to New Mexico. Not completely satisfied with distorting the plot, they have also decided to mutilate the title... The American remake is called "Let Me In". Little they appear to know that the title was actually inspired by Morrissey's song "Let the Right One Slip In"... The producer reassures that the remake closely follows the original film, but it has been made "accessible to a wider audience". Who exactly is he referring to? People that cannot read subtitles? People that are unaware of the existence of other countries and human beings on the other side of the ocean? I am almost sure that the ambiguos gender of Eli, the child-vampire, will be conveniently overlooked since the chosen name for the character in the US version is... Abbey! These kind of ignorant things make me mad... and sad. I wish they'd stop butchering foreing films.
Absolutely 100% right on the button with both your prophecy and this article. I couldn't agree more. I would add to it that the producer is actually a liar and is only using the phrase of "accessible to a wider audience" as an excuse for profit. It disgusts me.