I've taken way too many pictures and it is taking ages to sort them all out. I'll start posting the ones I've taken in Tokyo.
We landed at approx. 9am and we couldn't check in until 4pm. Luckly we could leave our luggage at the hotel. We stayed at Tokyu Stay in Shibuya Shin-Minaminguchi, which was nice. Cat met us in Shibuya station and we decided to go for a bite to eat nearby. I must say I felt a bit tired after the flight, but I was determined to get used to the Japanese time as quickly as possible.
Cat is cool :)
Giulia tries.
Eirik, too.
I look blind, but happy ;)
My pork with kimuchi didn't need much preparation.
A satisfied Panda.
Cute overload!!!
Behind me are Chopper (from One Piece, if you are a fan of Oda-sensei) and Baby Capibara. I really wanted one, but came back without one. Baby Capibara!!! I need one!!! Please... hint, hint!
Volpe and Rilakkuma.
Sake offerings at the Meiji Temple.
You need to purify before entering the temple. I know everything about it now!
Prayers on wooden blocks...
Cat and Eirik with Kirin at the best and cheapest giyoza place ever!
My healthy breakfast at Jonathan Family Restaurant. The white stuff is yam. So nice!
Tsukiji fish market. You need to go there early in the morning. A crazy place.
Queueing for the freshest sushi ever.
It was worth waiting!!! No pictures allowed inside the tiny restaurant. Can I marry the chef?
Asakusa. We were lucky enough to be there for the annual festival. So many stalls selling all sorts of things and delicious things to eat!
Happy Eirik :)
Catch the fish with a paper wand... I did it!!!