Saturday 12 November 2011


Here we go again!

This year we decided to camp. To get to our camp-site we had to take a boat on the Thames...

How the hell do you build this eco-tent?! Luckly Wayne was working as a marshall at the festival and gave us a hand :)

A race against time! It was about to rain!
Finally the tent was up... it looked a bit wonky...

But we were very proud of it!

Someone fitted better than others...

Welcome to our crib!

Very spacious indeed :)

Let's get ready to party!!!

Cute Ma :)

I've always told my sisters that I had the third eye, but they still took the piss out of me...

Threatening sky... please... no more rain :(

Fried chicken on mud...

Storm troopers having fun...

Goeff's technique was popular...

Although the traditional technique was more popular...

Here comes the sun!

Careful you two... Sponge Bob sees all!

Laura, me, Emma and Giulia

Emma, Giulia and Marta

Ma and me :)
What the hell?!
... is that?!

Yes! It's a horsey...

We went on our separate ways for a while...

I went to see Interpol...

and the screening of the Nirvana's performance at Reading 1992... a blast from the past :'(

We all reunited to check out Little Roy...

The kids loved him...

Food stalls (bloody expensive!)

Do English girls drink Antifreeze?

Flogging Molly were great fun. Dancing and jumping about kept us warm :)

Reading at night is always sooo cold!

Muse were headlining, but we went to see The Descendents instead. Much more fun!

A bear in the audience?! He later ended up in the mosh pit!

Go on Milo! You can still do it!!!

Front row for Marta and Laura :)

A prestigious spot... apparently...

She's lost control...

Laura's always been a circus act...

It's time for a cuppa!

Back to the tent... Giulia was always the first to hit the sack...


Cocooned and out! LOL

If Giulia is not dead yet... she will be soon...

3 days old sandwiches at 2am?

They are starting to have their effects!!!

What the hell was in the food? Let's play with lights...

The game degenerated throughout the night... I've omitted the best shots for decency's sake... (In spite of the noise and the laughters, Giulia remained mummified in her sleeping bag)

Daybreak... and we finally get to sleep...

Time to get up... already...
People leaving the campsite... Those flowery cabins were the loos... one thing I didn't regret leaving behind...

Empty space...

All packed up...

Back in London... Marta was introduced to chips...

She didn't seem too impressed...

First time to Nando's?!!!

She had to try the frozen yoghurt machine...

Back to London and back with the hipsters... "you wouldn't know... it's so underground..."

Sushi at WOW :)

Talking of hipsters...

She obviously missed a real bathroom ;)

All I was left with... muddy wellies to wash and store away... until next time!