Lately the weather has been lovely. It was about time!
On Friday night after work I went to the British Museum to see the new exhibition Hadrian: Empire and Conflict. Objects from 28 museums worldwide and finds from recent excavations were shown together for the first time. It was very interesting and provided a fresh insight into Emperor Hadrian’s character and challenges faced during his reign. After the exhibition I went to Abeno for okonomiyaki. I tried a new one this time, it was called something like "modernyaki". It had noodles on top. It was quite nice, but I still prefer the traditional style. On Saturday I slept until very late. I can't believe how much I slept. I must have needed it :)
Then I cleaned the kitchen cupboards... the excitement!
On Saturday I meet with my sister for early dinner at The Elk in the Woods in Angel. It is a really nice place with good food, lovely atmosphere and deco. At 8pm we went to see The Dark Knight. I thought it was ok, but Heath Ledger's Joker was amazing. I was kind of curious and wanted to see for myself whether the hype was all due to his tragic death. I was very impressed by his last performance.